It's about time I start blogging again. Man, its been a hot minute and I really miss the story telling part of photography.
No, I'm not just talking about the writing, but showing a series of photos. Together the photos tell a bigger story and open a window into the life of each of these special families. Photos, they tell the true story far better than any words. Real moments, Real memories. NOPE, not those posed cheesing at the camera shots. This is the story of the Swensons on the special day they celebrated Randall's 1st birthday. Their kids are so happy go lucky, they all are. And let's just say Randall wasn't a fan of pancakes & whip cream on this day.
Each of my girls’ births I have written out a birth story. I thought about not writing this one since Minnies birth was at home and I know it’s out of the normal. But what is right for one mom might not be right or feel right to the next and that’s ok. What matters is mothers get the chance to birth the way they want.
Now more than ever women might be re-thinking home birth and wondering if the hospital is the safest option for them. Wondering what the actual evidence is, the risks, heres some information for my pregnant mommas out there click each link below to read or listen to more evidence based facts. Sure...Home birth isn’t for everyone, hospital birth isn’t for everyone...what is right for you might not feel right to the next. But let’s do our research and then let mom make her own choices.…/home-births-as-safe-as-hos…/…/women-america-are-dying-childbirth-a……/qual…/midwifery/case-for-midwifery/en/…/Committee-on-Obs…/Planned-Home-Birth……/home-births-as-safe-as-hospital-bi……/PIIS2589-5370(19)3014…/fulltext……/9540703-mcmaster-university-led…/… Planned home birth with a certified midwife vs. A planned hospital birth with a midwife vs. A planned hospital birth with a physician/OB In the category of planned home birth with a midwife in attendance we had the: - Lowest amount of perinatal deaths - Lowest mortality rate over all - Lowest adverse maternal outcomes such as: Post Partum Hemorrhage and 3rd & 4th degree tears - Lowest rates of infection - Lowest amount of intervention needed - Lowest chance of pyrexia (fever) - Lowest chance of birth trauma for both mom and baby - Lowest cesarean rate - Lowest need for resuscitation - Lowest need for oxygen in their first 24 hours of life - Highest maternal satisfaction Here are a few other articles/studies 👇 Planned home birth: benefits, risks, and opportunities Planned hospital birth versus planned home birth New studies confirm safety of home birth with midwives Dueling Statistics: Is Out-of-Hospital Birth Safe? Here's our birth story. Actually once one person found out my plans were to birth at home the news spread like wood fire. I’m pretty sure everyone knows by now lol. At first I kept a low profile with my choice. Only 1% of women choose home birth today. I didn't choose home birth because Im crazy, because it just looked beautiful(don’t get me wrong, it is), or because of any other two unlogical idea. I didn’t wake up one day and think I’ll just stay home. It took years of research to uncover the understanding of home birth and how it was a good option for me as a low risk pregnancy + two prior risk free births under my belt. Every piece of facts I under-covered lead me closer to home birth being my best option for how I wanted to birth. Which now that I birthed I’m cool with people knowing because I no longer have to worry about bringing the negative vibes into my birth. Plus I’m all about educating families about their birth options. Minnie’s birth started like my others by losing my mucus plug the morning before my birthing time started. I dropped Georgie off at preschool, came home, sat in my driveway as I had a light surge, and then went in to the bathroom to discover a bit of my plug. Excited but tried to not get my hopes up. I mean I was at 41weeks and 5days so I was going to be pregnant forever at this point, right?? Throughout the day I had those same “practice waves” that I had been having for probably the last 3-5months of pregnancy. So nothing new, I was bound to be pregnant for life. Lol!! Around 5pm I started to question if maybe these practice waves were in fact the real deal. Now one of the surges seemed to be working all the way to my cervix. I messaged my birth team (midwife and birth photographer) that this could/might be real and might just be my body practicing. I just wasn’t sure. 7pm I started realized these are real. I am going to give birth to my baby. Tonight. I became so oddly nervous. It’s hard to explain because for years I had practiced and in fact had erased my fears around birth. Not once did I get nervous this pregnancy for my birthing day. Yet here I was with these not so strong surges and already starting to question myself, my strength, and choice of location. My only fear ...could I handle all my bodies power without drugs?! Don’t know why but I was on the edge of a breakdown and these surges weren’t even strong! I needed my birth team to tell me this is normal, your good, everything is fine and normal. At this point Georgie came in the room and gave me a much needed hug! I hugged her so tight and cried tears of happiness. In that moment I remembered her birth, how strong I was, how beautiful everything was, how much I loved her then, now, and always. As I held Georgie’s hand through the next few surges I felt so much more peaceful. She was the doula I didn’t know I would need. We sat at the edge of my bed and me on my birth ball just rocking through each surge as Georgie held my hand and gave me drinks of water after each new surge. About 8:30pm my birth photographer, Tiffany, made it to our home. Another key to support that I much needed to reassure me I could do this and I was already doing this! I decide the jet tub would be nice to get into. I sat in my jet tub in my amazingly just finished bathroom surrounded my candles and just sang my baby songs between each surge. It was so peaceful!!! Singing helped me chill the crap out and take my mind back to the place and peacefulness that me and baby needed. Georgie also came in to put her hands on my shoulders and make sure mommy was getting water to drink. It wasn’t long and my Midwife had made it over around 9:30pm. She again reassured me everyone gets nervous as they try something new and all was well. She checked in on baby’s heart rate, perfect. And my blood pressure, perfect. Then she went to set up everything for birth as I continued to rock, sway, and sing to my baby in the tub. At some point in there (In birth you have no concept of time) I decided the tub was getting a bit hot so I’d get out and cool down for a bit. Brice came in the bathroom and I told him to shut the door I had some pooping to do and didn’t want anyone coming in. Lol!!! Yep your body naturally clears itself out. Anywhos....little did I know I got up and opened the door to my bedroom and my whole birth team was just sitting there quietly. Birth ninjas. Seriously they are so behind the scenes doing all kinds of things you wouldn’t even know. I rocked on my birth ball some more working baby down. I soon realize pirates life was the life for me. And by that I mean I needed to get back into my water. From there timing gets more hazy as I felt my surges become stronger. My midwife came in, had me recline in the tub so she could reach baby’s heart tones(baby was deep in my pelvis). Again perfect. The surges were definitely taking all my concentration now and it wasn’t long before my surges started to become back to back with little rest between. Lots of power and strength swept through my body. That’s when I remembered my number one tool at Lollies birth. Horse lips. Horse lips would be my savior as I did horse lips I would sway my legs back-and-forth back-and-forth in the water and picturing myself rowing a little boat down the gigantic rocky sea trying to make it to shore. And with every new surge I would again do horse lips and rock back-and-forth back-and-forth until the peak of the wave reached which became the strongest then I would moan so I could reach over the top of that wave, ride it to the bottom, and get closer to that shore. Birth is all about state of mind and working with your body, surrendering and just going along with it. No fear just working along with your powerful body. By this point my midwife could hear in my tones things were close. Real. Close. My body was starting to feel a bit pushy. Again she checked heart rates. Perfect. I knew I’d be most comfortable pushing in my bed so out of the tub I went. As soon as I reached the bed I leaned over, with my hands on the bed, rocked my hips in circles, felt small pushes, and noticed some bloody mucus drop out. This is it I thought, I am going to have my baby, it’s pushing time. I rocked through many strong pushing waves standing at the edge of my bed. Brice said it was probably 20mins of me standing at the edge, rocking my hips. Oh this was a cool odd sensation, with every rock of my hips I could feel them clicking and opening as baby dropped down further. I tried to lie down on the bed. Nope, I can’t birth lying down like my cat. I need to be able to move my hips. So I stood back up. A few more pushing surges I worked through then I realized I need up on this bed. I grabbed my birth ball, put it onto the bed, got on my knees and rested my head on that ball. A split second of me thought, I don’t want my butt pointing at everyone. Ha! But then a surge hit and I knew this is what I needed. Some of the surges felt pretty dang good. Then they became work. Hard work. I never felt so much sweat drip from my head. Like someone was pouring a cup of water down my head lol. Just then I felt more pressure and I knew her head would soon come out. I felt her head come down during the next surge then back up a little bit after surge ended. Not much longer now. Next surge her head merged. But man it was a weird shape, it was big, and it was just sitting there not coming out. I thought what is this hanging out of me.l?!! As I reached down and felt I discovered she was still in her bag of waters!! Unreal, so cool. I said “your crazy baby!” It took a couple more surges to work her head out and at some point her waters broke. My midwife told me to sit into my surge which helped me birth the rest of Minnie out. I jumped away at the last push and Minnie gently slid onto the bed. There my baby was. I looked in awe for a split second, picked her up, and cried. She was here. We did it. I almost forgot again to look and see if she was a boy or girl. I pulled back the blanket to see. A beautiful girl. Georgie had been waiting in the hall with my mom. I guess she had kept saying “I need to go help my mommy” And then watching YouTube videos in between surges. I kind of thought it would be cool to have her in for the pushing but during thought probably too much of a distraction for me. She did come in after Minnie’s birth. Got to watch the placenta be born. “That’s the placenta” she said. She was very much in awe and didn’t feel like cutting the cord. Didn’t want her Daddy to do it either lol. So my mom did. Then all us women sat around in amazement about birth and shared our stories for the next couple hours as I nursed my newest princess. Ginger, my midwife, was the absolute best piece of my puzzle. She made sure my birth wishes were met and not once did I have to change my positions during birth for an unneeded pelvic exam. Not even 36weeks leading up to my birthing time did I get checked. Because it tells us nothing ( ) I got to catch my own baby. I didn’t have to lie in a bed on back every hour for 40mins ( No one wiped off my baby but me. ( ) I didn’t have to have a IV in my arm ( ) My entire birth team I had I had known months before hand. If I wanted to eat, I ate ( )I didn’t feel like I had to ask permission for anything...I danced what I felt. I didn’t have to drive 45mins to my team they came to me. No one put me into a wheel chair. I walked to the bathroom after birth and went potty. No told me what position to birth in, one yelled at me to push, hold my breathe to push. No one cut me open, baby came out without hands pulling on her, and result tears ( ) My provider stayed with me 3 hours postpartum to make sure everyone was happy and healthy. No one took my baby right after she was born to weigh and measure, instead I nursed and admired her with zero interruptions. APGAR scores were checked while baby lie on my chest and nursed. I didn’t have to tell anyone to not cut baby’s cord too soon ( ) I didn’t have to have a birth plan in hand or explain my wishes because my birth team already knew. Of course you could say no to any and all of these things in a hospital setting, but I didn’t have to worry about that. Photos by T.Marie Photography Ive spent the past year getting to know a beautiful person, mommy, and friend. Her name is Shelby and I don't know how I made it through life without knowing her. She one of the sweetest people, always thinking of others, and just making each person feel so extra special. I also spent this past year getting to know another special lady...I met this little lady on the day of her birth. And she stole my heart that very day... now this little lady is turning 1! Her little personality is starting to shine right through...and I can tell she is a sweetie just like her mommy! My daughters are going to have a pretty awesome bestie growing up! Thank you girls for being such a bright happiness in our lives! Wade... your ok too ;) ![]() I was so happy to help document and share each of these lovely Momma's breastfeeding journeys. Breastfeeding, although not always an easy road for some, has so so many benefits to Mom and baby! These are a few of their stories they shared with me for our local (Concordia KS) annual breastfeeding event to support, promote, and advocate Mommas everywhere!!!! HAPPY WORLDWIDE BREASTFEEDING WEEK!!! <3 YOU ALL ROCK!!! join us next year! Held at the beginning of every August XOXO Amanda- "Kasstiel and I have been on this amazing breastfeeding adventure for 11 months, with no end in sight! Breastfeeding was one thing that I KNEW I wanted to try to do when I had a child, before I got pregnant not really knowing the details or having a specific reason why. Then, once we got pregnant knew it was time to really start digging in, I read heaps of articles on everything but especially breastfeeding and realized there was a lot more to it then my initial thoughts! LOL So we bought all the supplies yanno.. the pump and bottles, nipples, extra pump parts and storage bags. The only thing missing was my baby- and when he arrived, Kasstiel decided he wasn’t going deal with all the nonsense and wanted to exclusively nurse. Little did I know that meant he would nurse on demand, in the car, though the work days (thankfully, he is my sidekick at the office) and of course every hour of the night! I started taking in so many calories a day, and I always was feeling hungry.. I was eating and drinking just about everything “they” recommend to help your supply.. with no noticeable increase in my supply, I feel so blessed that my body is able to keep up with his needs! Kasstiel and I have created a wonderful bond and the health benefits are incredible for both of us. I’m grateful to be able to experience this beautiful opportunity to nourish my child’s body and brain & look forward to being able to have the same experience with future children." Amber- "My breastfeeding journey first began with my first son who was four weeks early and very tiny. He weighed in at a hefty 4 pounds 15 ounces for birthweight. I tried nursing right after he was born and he just wouldn't take. We tried everything to get him to latch on and nurse. I also tried pumping milk and feeding him but I wasn't producing enough and had to supplement with formula. Then at two weeks we switched him to formula completely because he just wasn't eating well and needed me more than I had time to spend pumping. I was in tears when I made that choice because all I had wanted was to nurse my kids. I had everything I needed for it: the pump, the pillow, the nursing covers, the pads for my bra in case I leaked. But it didn't happen. My second son was even earlier at 6 weeks early and went straight to formula so I wouldn't have a repeat of the first. I just wanted him eating and growing. I tried to pump to supplement with breastmilk or to eventually nurse once he started eating better but I produced nothing for milk for a whole week. Formula it was for him as well. Then I had my third child, my daughter and she was also 4 weeks early. I tried to get her to latch on right after birth and she took to it. Nursed like a champ!!! I was blessed to never have a problem with her latch, thrush, mastitis, poor milk production or any other issues I had had previous or could have. She is now 10 months old and exclusively breastfed. And a stash in the freezer to boot!!! Yay!! I had always wanted to nurse my kids and broke my heart when I couldn't. Fed is best, I know but there is just something special about that kind of connection and I was so upset that I may never have that with any of my kids, I felt failure, but at no fault of my own I know that. It just taught me that there is always hope you may have that experience you crave as a momma!!!!" Candice - She has four boys each with her own breastfeeding ups and downs along the way... but Im not sure how she lived through mastitis with this little guy. 9. Frickin. Times! Rockstar Momma! "I have breastfed 4 kids. Different struggles and accomplishments with each. Currently Cleo has been nursing for 18 months! We have battled thrush twice, mastitis 9 times, and inverted nipples which required a nipple shield for over a year. We are so proud to still be breastfeeding at this point!" Danielle - "My name is Danielle Haskett and I have breastfed all six of my children throughout the last 14 years. I enjoy breastfeeding because it keeps me and my babies close and healthy. Most women stop or don’t start breastfeeding because it can hurt and sometimes does. My message to all moms out there who are looking into breastfeeding is to make sure that they know that no matter what they decide for themselves, breastfeeding does get easier. One thing I didn’t expect when I started breastfeeding and that no one told me is that it’s hard work! I never expected it to take so much out of you to feed a child. It kind of turned into a competition for me of how much milk I could produce to feed my children and pump to store to use later. I always wanted to produce more than last time so I tried all kinds of “hacks” to produce more milk. Oatmeal, carrots, and breast milk cookies were my favorite things to eat to produce more milk. I did find that if you put in the work up front in the beginning then you are in for a wonderful journey." Jaimie - Breastfeeding is not an easy road for every momma, as you will see through these stories! But the journey not matter how big or small has a big impact on those babies <3 "My breastfeeding journey with Emberly was a little rough and short lived. Emberly had a tough time latching in the beginning but we kept trying and she eventually got the hang of it. It took awhile for my milk to come in so I started pumping like crazy. I would breastfeed and then pump at least every two hours. That’s when I began my huge supply of milk. I had three different freezers full of breast milk, even my mom’s freezer in Beloit! My baby started sleeping through the entire night right about 2 1/2 months old but I would still wake up and pump. The first three weeks of her life breastfeeding was great and then I had to go back to work. Having no paid maternity leave really puts a lot of pressure on a new mom. And not only that I work 12 hour night shifts. I would work a night shift and stay home with the baby all day for about 3 1/2 months straight. The tiredness took a tole on my body. I started to become sick a lot. I did not have the ideal situation to breastfeed my baby but I worked hard. It was an emotional roller coaster for me. My supply became less and less and then I was only making maybe an ounce of breastmilk with each feeding. My baby became frustrated and I felt defeated. My husband helped me through it. He told me how amazing and hard working I was. He told me it was going to be ok. I cried a little but then I shook it off. The stress from trying to produce milk became too much. My baby still has loads of frozen breast milk so thank the Lord I pumped so much in the beginning. I wish my breastfeeding story could have been different but I have this beautiful little girl and that’s all that matters <3 " Katie - "During my pregnancy, I learned about the benefits of breastfeeding for baby and mom. I also tried to learn all the ins and outs of how to breastfeed. Erika was an incredible resource to help grow my knowledge. When Kam was born, 6 weeks early, I knew I would have work to do. As soon as Kam was done being evaluated, we did skin to skin. He wiggled himself down to my breast and latched. Easy, right? Wrong!!!! The first 24 hours Kam would latch, kind of. He was going through the motions of breastfeeding but wasn’t actually eating. He started losing more weight than what was within the normal range. We determined that he wasn’t able to suck efficiently most likely due to being premature. The nurses suggested a nipple shield and a supplemental nursing system (sns). The nipple shield helped him latch while the sns provided him with nutrients he needed to grow. To use the sns it required pumping, then putting that milk into a syringe, and feeding it through a tube into the nipple shield. In the beginning, feedings would take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour and Kam ate all the time. I was constantly pumping and/or feeding Kam. At about 8 weeks, Kam was finally able to suck adequately enough to stop using the sns. We continued to use the nipple shield until Kam was about 12 weeks. Breastfeeding has become easier but we still have many challenges" Shelby - "Now it has been 11 months of breastfeeding going strong, and I couldn't be happier. I chose to breastfeed for a multitude of reasons. Breastfeeding a baby is such a special bond. Feeding a baby in general creates an important bond of trust and love, and I feel so blessed to experience that with Averie. Another reason why I choose to breast feed is for the health benefits for Averie and I. From fighting off infections and increasing Averie's immune system, to lowering the odds of postpartum depression and aiding in decreasing health issues. And then there is also the economic benefits. Although breastfeeding isn’t completely free (nursing bras, nursing pads, breast milk storage bags, etc. add up), it is less expensive than formula. I also liked the convenience aspect of breastfeeding. No time wasted preparing bottles. No need to carry bottles, formula, and bottled water in the diaper bag. My advise to new moms who plan to breastfeed to sit down with a lactation consultant.In addition to meeting with a lactation consultant, I think it’s important for moms to reach out to a mom friend who has nursed. It’s helpful to have someone, who’s recently experienced what you’re going through, to field questions and offer support." Madison - "Breast feeding is natural and it’s benefits are blasted everywhere so of course it was part of my plan when I became a mother. I felt like I knew enough and my baby would pitch in and together we’d be great together until he no longer needed me. I was right. He came out screaming and latched on right away. It was beautiful and I was soaring. My boobs were major show offs and produced copious amounts of milk so I nursed, pumped, and stored. He was gaining weight and we were kicking ass at this. But then we weren’t. Several weeks of doctors visits, fevers, rounds and rounds of antibiotics, and tears later, mastitis had completely wrecked everything. Nothing we tried would clear it up. After I had an allergic reaction to a super strong antibiotic in my 10 day picc line treatment, we decided it was time to call it. I cried. And cried. And literally until he was like 13 months old, I cried. I had never in my life felt such defeat. I just wanted to feed my baby. The drying up process was painful physically and emotionally. Thankfully he took a bottle with no problem however, it took several months of reflux for us to find a formula that somewhat stayed in his stomach. And of course it was the most expensive. I hated to feed him in public because “everyone knows breast is best” and here I am shaking up formula and not being the best mother I could’ve been. If I just would’ve stuck it out. Just dealt with the fevers. I could be that glowing mom over there with her baby tucked up under her shirt. The one who gets to walk past the $30 tub of formula at the store. Mastitis is a monster that haunted me for months. And when I got pregnant again, the fears started to creep up. My husband tried to talk me out of even trying breastfeeding again because of how it went the first time. (Seriously it was scary you guys). He lost real quick though. I couldn’t wait to have another shot. This is Max. He’s 1 year old at the end of the month and has never had a drop of formula. Having been on both teams, I can truly say fed is best and formula is a wonderful thing. However, i’m darn proud of myself (and Max) for accomplishing our breastfeeding goals. I had to work pretty hard this time too but man was it worth it. I’m sad for how much joy I let mastitis steal from me in those first few months of motherhood. I’m thankful for this successful journey that restored my confidence in being a great mom. To those who exclusively breastfeed, those who supplement, the “breastmilk-freaks-you-out” and the “formula-from-day-one” any mom out there who has ever fed her baby, kudos to you because this shit’s hard." Shannon - "I was not the first person to help my baby get latched and drink. I had an emergency C-Section and was pretty out of it the rest of the day. The wonderful Lactation Consultant told me to go back to sleep and that she’d feed her. I remember her grabbing my breast and feeding my baby so that I could sleep. I developed mastitis in the second week. Had my nipples practically eaten off because of a bad latch. Around 2 months she started sleeping longer stretches at night so I’d get up and pump in addition to her nightly feedings. I did that until around 7 months. I worked part time for 3 months and pumped so I was able to replace any of the milk that was used. I had a full freezer stash. I stay home now and we weren’t going to use the milk so I gave it so someone I love very much! I was able to provide about 2 months worth of milk to my nephew. His momma is an amazing woman too! She exclusively pumped!!! That takes dedication and I am very amazed/proud of her for doing everything she could to get that liquid gold! I love how convenient it is to breastfeed. I love how happy my daughter is when she’s nursing. I love that I was able to provide for her for about 13 months now. Also too add I should have seen a LC but I didn’t. Looking back I should have went! Go if you are having trouble or just have questions!" Catherine -
"Well my breastfeeding journey started 33 hours after my water breaking when a nurse grabbed my breast to help my daughter Alden fed. I wasn’t expecting that at all but I was glad for the help. While our stay in the hospital we saw the lactation consultant everyday multiple times a day. Alden had a strong latch but wasn’t able to fed long due to being very tired from the jaundice. My husband and I had a hard time keeping her awake to fed so we were constantly trying tricks to keep her awake to fed which none of them worked. Despite our struggles with feeding they let us go home after two days. The following day they wanted us to go visit the lactation clinic to see breastfeeding progress and check the bili levels. While there they discovered she lost over 12% of her body weight and her levels were now high. The lactation consultant suggested I try pumping or supplementing with formula. I was going to try pumping before formula and the consultant was glad to hear I wanted to try pumping before rushing to give her formula. We started pumping and syringe tube feeding which worked wonders! Once my babe got enough energy we tried feeding from the breast again...she’s been a milk monster ever since!" A nursing strike. Did you know this was a thing? …like literally a baby that has been nursing perfectly fine for months with no problems what so ever all of a sudden refuses to breastfeed?!!? WHAT!?
This is Stephanie, and this is her birth story..."We’re parents...I’m a mom...a MOM! On March 1st, 2018 we were FINALLY blessed with a little one that we could hold in our arms, hear cry, see his perfect face and experience the fear that we have no idea what we are doing and hope we don’t mess him up too much!
I’ve been overwhelmed with emotions since the Monday before our induction! The moment the nurse asked me if we were ready for our baby that Thursday the panic set in! I had done everything I could to be ready at home and work for babies arrival but I didn’t really give much thought to mentally preparing myself for our little one! So Monday started the race to be sure we were 100% prepared! Little did I know...that’s not really possible, but we tried! Wednesday night our nerves were both kicking in. The last minute to-dos, trying to get to bed early for one last good nights sleep...for my husband anyways cause let’s be honest I hadn’t slept in months, and the nerves of what tomorrow would bring. All the questions of, “are we ready?”, “will my baby be healthy?”, “how much will it hurt?”, “can I really do this?” were running through my mind. Thursday arrived and it was mostly silence on the way to Salina. Our dreams were finally coming true and after all our struggles over the past 7 years we we’re finally there! We got checked in and settled into the delivery room and before I knew it they were starting the pitocin. An hour in I couldn’t feel all the contractions showing on the screen but soon came Hodges to break my water and it didn’t take long for the pressure to build up! 2 hours later I was crying in pain not sure what to do for comfort! All the back pain I experienced during pregnancy was nothing compared to the back labor I had! I tried bouncing on the medicine ball, until one moment I stood up and water came gushing out. All I could think about was, man it really is like they show in the movies! Soon the pain was so bad I couldn’t sit, stand or do anything. I was 100% reliant on my husband for his support! I was last checked at a 3-4 and I knew I was not going to make it all the way. With tears in my eyes I finally asked for the epidural. As soon as I was able to relax and sit back my legs started tingling and the excruciating pain was subsiding. I was checked shortly after and was at a 5-6 and 10 minutes later Dr. Hodges came and checked me and I was at a 8-9! I was progressing fast and Hodges said we’d have a baby in an hour. All of a sudden my emotions took over and I looked at my husband full of tears and said “we’re having a baby!” It’s like my entire pregnancy I knew we were having a baby, but I was always waiting for the worst case to happen. This time though was different and finally I could believe that I was going to be holding the child we had dreamed of for so long in just an hour! An hour went by and there was still no baby, but at two hours I had hit a 10 and they were preparing me to push! The next 30 minutes was filled with lots of laughs, disco balls and weird music (an app) and a smoke machine (diffuser) that our Dr had always dreamed of someone bringing in. With the power of anesthesia and not feeling a thing why not throw a party?! 30 minutes in though things got serious as Hodges and the nurses got up and suited up. They informed us that the babies heartbeat hadn’t been raising back up after each contraction. He was getting stuck on my protruding tailbone so they needed to get him pulled down some. As they got the clamps in place the next contraction they started to pull him down. According to Derrick this is when they told me to pause for a second and I missed that and kept pushing and ended up pushing our baby the rest of the way out. At 2:23pm our son Lincoln Alexander Downie was born! 6lbs 10 oz, 20” long, a head full of hair and absolutely perfect! At that moment I cried for my 4 angel babies that we had lost along the way. At that moment, my entire world had changed. At that moment I had finally given my husband the title of Dad and at that moment I had finally became a mother." 2/22/2018 Stephanie and her husband Derrick prepare to welcome their Rainbow Baby into the world!Read NowThis Sunday afternoon Stephanie and her husband, Derrick, welcomed me into their home. They just moved in a few months before and I was in love with all the rustic look. They sort of felt like I was the wee bit crazy one. Because well…they weren’t really feeling their limestone wall. Ok I cropped in guys… so ha! Their two pups, were in love with me too. We spoke about their trips, making pit stops around the US at local breweries, and picking up a glass at each stop they made. They shared their story of how they met, the PG version anyways. Haha! Which involved some making out, and cougars on patrol. Watch out! ;) We shared lots of laughs but…
…What you don’t see on the surface is that this couple right here has struggled with infertility. It’s not that they just could not get pregnant, but for whatever reason Stephanie’s body just wouldn’t carry a baby past the 1st trimester. Some of us women take for granted getting pregnant…it just works. Some probably don’t have to track their ovulation, or technically even know what that is. Believe it or not 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage. This isn’t 1 in 4 women this is 1 in 4 PREGNANCIES! Stephanie has been a great advocate for those women that have suffered the loss of a pregnancy. She talks about her struggles openly, and I know that sharing probably hasn’t always been easy for her. Through her journey I know she has empowered so many women, like her, along the way…she might not even know who yet! This baby is going to be arriving within the next few weeks and he/she is going to be the most beautiful rainbow! 4 pregnancies lost but this one baby….this baby is the rainbow at the end of all that storm. Keep in touch with my page for their birth story! Stephanie shares about her journey into motherhood below —> “After every storm comes a rainbow. Although the storm may leave behind damage that may always remain, the rainbow gives you a glimpse of hope and beauty in God's ways. It's been a long journey of storms for me. When I was young my doctor told me having kids would be difficult. In 2008 I was blessed with a pregnancy, but was only given the beautiful experience for 4 short weeks. In 2012 my now husband and I were overjoyed to finally get two pink lines! Unfortunately around 6-8 weeks the heartbeat couldn't be found and shortly after we miscarried. We turned to our doctor in 2016 for advice and with the help of Clomid were pregnant again that Spring. In April we were surprised, scared and excited to find a faint heartbeat! The following week though we were informed of devastating news that the babies heart had stopped beating and they found a second baby in my tube. The odds of a baby in uterine and an ectopic pregnancy at the same time is a 1 in 10,000 chance. We were heartbroken to say the least, but determined we would still get our rainbow one day. After a miscarriage you have to wait 3 months before trying again. We got back on Clomid, but after 6 months had no luck. We had been through all of our tests with no luck for answers as to why we were struggling. In December of 2016 we were told by our dr that we would need to go to a fertility specialist. He believed my tubes were closed. If so that meant either reconstructive surgery or IVF. Both options we knew were out of our budget, but we still wanted answers so decided to see a specialist. The waiting list was 3 months. In the mean time, we were approached by a friend about accupuncture. If our only other option was something we knew we wouldn't be able to afford we decided to keep the small bit of hope alive and give accupuncture a try. In April 2017 we started treatments and by June 2017 we were pregnant! It was the quickest we had ever gotten pregnant before. The week I found out I was pregnant we went in for labs. My levels were low so we did lab work again two days later. My levels still hadn't rose much, so my dr told me we would probably miscarry again and wanted to see me that next week. We went in for my appointment expecting bad news again like the 3 times before. During our sono the tech was actually talking to us. As soon as she pointed out the baby I was immediately filled with hope but also fear of going through a loss again. Two weeks later we went back and found a heartbeat. I couldn't believe it! A couple weeks later we went back and got to hear the heartbeat! Every appointment as I was expecting bad news we only ended up with great updates from our sono technician and our doctor. During this time we continued with accupuncture to help sustain the pregnancy. Hearing the good news from her only helped fill me with more hope of this actually turning into our dream! They say when you get past the first trimester your safe. I was officially further along than ever before but still had fear with every ache and pain. We're 22 weeks, our doctor is confident in March we will be holding our little bundle of joy. Although I still have fears, they are slowly being overrun with excitement every time I feel a little kick or nudge. We are about to finally experience our rainbow after our storm. The emotions are overwhelming sometimes but finally with positive emotions. I will always hold a special place in my heart for my 4 angels in heaven. I went through all the different stages of grieving, but eventually leaned on God and my husband to get me through. My sister, Maria Morris wrote a beautiful poem after my second miscarriage that I have always held close to my heart. A Conversation between a Perfect Soul and God. A Perfect Soul, Looked up at God, With Big and Innocent Eyes, She Said to Him, “I Like That One!” As She Pointed at You from the Skies He Said “My Child, You are Special, “I’m afraid, I’m Just Not Ready” She Looked at God and Said Again, But This Time Slower and Steady. “She’s Beautiful, and I Can Tell, She’s Ready to Meet Me Too.” The Little Soul Asked One More Time, “Please, God, What Can I Do?” He Said to Her, “My Sweet Child, I Want You Here With Me, I Have a Place Just for You, Here in Heaven, Come and See.” “I’m Sure Your Place in Heaven, Is as Beautiful as Can Be. But Father God, Why Can’t I Go, To the Place She Has for Me.” He Said to Her, “My Lovely Child, You’re Special, and I Have Plans. If I Let You Go, She’ll See Your Face. You’re Perfect, She Won’t Understand.” “If I Stay Here God, Will I See her Again? I Love Her With All My Heart.” He said to her, “Of Course, Dear Angel, You Will Never Be Apart.” I have always been open about my struggles and losses. With that I have been surprised to learn how many others struggle as well. Some with success stories, some without. Being open gave me support systems I never knew I had. From friends and family members that experienced loss to strangers that have given support as well. Of course being open can have its draw backs of terrible advice, but having others to lean on gave me a support system of women who had been through similar situations as me. 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage. 1 in 4. Unfortunately, many of those are dealt with in silence for fear of shame or guilt. My dream. My way of honoring my angels is to raise awareness and to let women know they are not alone." Ready to start introducing to you my extra special Mommas! This is Robyn, new to my 2018 MomRep team.
I love her for so many reasons, but the best reason of all... she is an open book. Whatever you think, feel, believe you can just tell whatever is on your mind to her! She won't judge you, but read your book from your view. And then she always has so many great stories to go along with whatever topic pops into your mind. She has Nash to thank for 89 percent of those stories. The boy likes to keep busy! One of my favorites, Nash hiding and forgetting popcicles in his bed. HAHA! Yep, you will see him in these pictures with a piece of his head shaved, for the second a month! HA! I decided I wouldn't photoshop him with hair but expose the true struggles and laughs of motherhood. (but don't worry Robyn we will add some hair to your favs if you like ;) ) Ohhhh and she's one of those thrift shop, up cycling junkies like myself. <3 <3 Just thrown that out there! You have a place in my heart if you like a good treasure hunt. Life sure has sent her a twist when she went to her first sonogram with pregnancy number 2. Alothough she wasn't too surprised to find she was carrying twins. I mean, come on all this morning sickness?? That has to be a sign something is going on in there, right? Everything seemed to be easy with her first, Mr. Nash. Breastfeeding, a breeze. Well...throw two preemie babies in there and you just gotta be flexible. She stays home with the kiddos and works her hand at selling Younique. Aside from that throw another curve ball in there...her husband will be leaving for Kuwait for a year at the end of this month! Pretty happy they said YES to letting me come into their home they have been working on little by little to capture Robyn and her crew. She has such a lovely eye...I just loved checking out all her decor. OHHHHH and to see all of my own work posted all over the walls?? Heart melllllttttinnnnnngggggg times 10! Robyn is pretty passionate about sharing insecurities, struggles, positive body image, and loving yourself. Which, WHICH is exactly the path my photography is shifting its brand towards. (rebranding coming soon, look out!) So yea, She is the perfect fit as my new MomRep helping show off True images of the Journey that is Motherhood... 2/3/2018 Mother Baby Wearing as they go on a mid-morning walk down a familiar Kansas country roadRead NowBaby wearing is a must!! If you are a new Mommy you might be realizing that you can't do anything without little baby wanting to be in your arms. YES, remember those morning poops you took for granted all those times? HAHHA.....YEP! Never again my sweet new mommas.
Don't worry though that's why baby wearing is so GREAT!!! You can cook, clean, and go for those afternoon walks you enjoy! For April I am running a baby wearing special only $65, what what whhhhhhhatttt!!!? Also I will have two handmade baby wearing wraps available for your session! These wraps are handmade wraps are crafted by this very Mommy pictured! See more of her work at Special thanks to Katie!! **ONLY 6 SPOTS OPEN!** **April 7th ONLY email [email protected] today to save your spot! -10min. Session -Minium of 10 hand edited images with PRINT RELEASE! Through out the years of shooting for this family Brantley has always been very shy of my weird self. On this afternoon though we finally became buddies. We laughed, We farted, We set off into the Kansas grasslands in search for the perfect tree. Some baby trees were found and a few 10 footers, and then we told Micheal we were serious. Like seriously, serious! For real we are cutting down this bad boy today and taking him home! We laughed so hard about our Griswold journey. This would have been a good family tradition to start... But you know what?! Once you get that bad boy into your's not Christmas that you will be smelling.
Jaimie is due at the New Year and documenting the family picking out their Christmas Tree was the very best maternity session to say the least! :) Not a creature was stirring not even a mouse...
On this lovely morning I sneaked into the Carter's home to capture some cuddles and story time with Miss. Averie. Even the doggies had matching jammies!!! You know it's going to be a good day when not only do Mom, Dad, and Baby have matching jammies BUT so do all 3 of the fur babies!! I am so blessed to have this family welcome me into their lives, document their journey into parent hood, and except me as one of their close friends! They even let me bring my own little baby along, who just had the best of times!! Lifestyle sessions like these make my heart dance! That's why the month of February & March you could book your in-home lifestyle session for an extra special price!! email for details [email protected] UMMM... YES! You read that right, 6,000 ounces! Oden's Mom, Amber, pumps every three hours. YES, even during the wee hours of the night. For you moms that have pumped or tried pumping you know how much hard work goes behind pumping and storing your supply. Amber is a milk goddess drinking about two gallons of water a day to keep her supply up!
Donation? Not only will Oden's milk be turned into powder to help babies in the NICU, Amber will also earn $1 per each ounce she donates. Win-Win! Are you interested in donating your supply? Visit: ...Oh and HEY! Come visit me when you do! I want to give you a free {Milk Stash} session and document your super power! I was there for Averie birth-day and sometimes birth families feel like they've become a bigger part of my own. Whats the word for it? Anyway they're good friends of mine forever and even before. Shelby is one of the sweetest I have ever met, a good friend, and a even better mommy! Is that possible? Averie was welcomed home by her three furry siblings. Sadly since then her biggest, lovabliest, St. Bernard, Simba past away. It was hard to say goodbye to her. So very happy we were able to capture these special moments with their best friend. The morning was filled with lots of cuddles and love and some posed shots too that Averie didn't want to sleep for. ;) We finally wore her out for a few in her Moms wedding dress. I'll post those later. Our lil hypnobaby arrived!! Despite all the negative stories, words, and feelings people tried to throw towards birth my way. I let all of those stories bounce off of me with my "bubble of peace". But reallllyyyyyyy.... I don't know why pregnant woman complain when we should be celebrating how amazing and beautiful our bodies are! Pregnancy and birth are simply ammmmmmmaaazzingg.....really words can NOT describe. I still can't believe how powerful and wonderful the uterus is! "There is no other organ quite like the uterus. If men had such an organ they would brag about it. So should we"- Ina May Gaskin I too questioned if hypnobirthing was going to work. I had my doubts but always worked towards thinking positive vibes about my birthing day. After all my 1st birth, Georgie's birth, had been beautiful ...just long, hard work. In hypnobirth you have daily tracks to listen to that get your mind thinking positive towards birth. There is also lots of deeping your consciousness and finding relaxation. These tracks you are suppose to stay awake for. Yep there were months and months of listening and falling asleep through the tracks everyday. But they say even if you fall asleep your subconscious mind will absorb and it is true!! My birthing time all started with a 2 mile walk (at 40weeks and 4days). Pretty sure we tried everything before that to get baby to started from pineapple, eggplant, love, and yes castor oil. There were even 3 nights in a row with constant birthing waves! But I awoke to nothing new happening. Yep, I was convinced baby was just was not ready. At the 1 mile mark I asked my mom what it felt like when her water broke was it trickling or was it like in the movies when all hell breaks loose? Well five seconds after asking this Im thinking I just peed my pants. I take a squat in the ditch get up, move on with my walk, and realize these warm gushes keep on flowing out of me. Ohh!! This is what it feels like when your water breaks! Psst, nothing like the movies. Just felt like I was peeing a little bit with every few steps. We finished the last of our 2nd mile and I got home, took a shower, laid down, and started listening to my birthday affirmations track. My waves have not even started at this point but I wanted to get some rest in before it was time. Rest is key the say for the beginning of your birthing time. Well but of course I was too excited for sleep and after one or two hours of waiting I felt some waves starting to develop. I had just found out before I laid down that our midwife had been home sick with the flu. I was a lil sad she wouldn't be there for our birth but I didn't let that affect me since I knew to trust my own body. Plus she said the doctor that delivered Georgie would be the one on call and he advocated for natural birth. I laid on the bed with lots of going back-and-forth to the restroom and drinking lots of water to keep my amniotic fluids up. Maybe this was when my active labor started? Pressure waves starred to build up and I started to wonder again if my hypnotherapy was going to work. Negative thoughts were running through my mind at this point. I was getting afraid I wouldn't be able to make it. I put on my fear clearing track and told myself positive vibes!! And all the while doing horse lips during the waves and tell myself to relax and open. I thought the bath tub would be nice since it calmed me some much with my first birth. I laid in the tub for what felt like just wasn't working out for me. So back in bed I laid to try to get some sleep. Brice came in about that time, 2 AM and measured the time in between my pressure waves it ranged from 5 to 7 minutes. Well, crap. Waves still weren't close or strong enough for me to go to Salina. With my first birth we had went when my waves were 4mins apart and I ended up being at the hospital for over 15hrs. So I walked back into the bathroom feeling like I was going to puke! Ok so puke, I guess this is a BIG sign that you are going through transformation (transition). I found that out after Lollie's birth. Yep did NOT even know that I was in transformation (transition) time! Hypnobirth works! I remember sitting there chewing my nails and thinking..well I must not be that far along since I'm over here chewing at my nubs. Chewing on my nails has always got me over my nausea for some reason. Ask my family...everything makes me nauseous!! Every. Thing. Finally I asked Brice when he thought we should leave. After he called the hospital they told us to come right away. I guess they thought I should have been coming when my water broke? Lol but I knew that your birthing could last hrs after your water breaking so I wanted to spend most of the time birthing at home. I knew for sure we were probably leaving for the hospital wayyy too early! My pressure waves were no where strong enough. I would be at the hospital for a long time and with the request of pain meds at the drop of a hat. I was a little worried I wouldn't be able to make the natural birth I wanted. With these thoughts I put back on my fear clearing track and focused on the positive. I was made for this. My body will open! Heading to Salina...we called mom to come sleep over with our daughter and as we waited for her arrival I was standing outside thinking of how peaceful it was with the warm and cool breezes, the sound of bugs, and the moonlight. I could have had my baby right there!! Just then a strong wave hit and I knew we should probably head that way. Brice called mom and let her know the door was unlocked and we start heading towards Salina. My waves were pretty powerful but I knew they weren't strong enough yet that the power get even stronger and I worried and worried about how strong they might get at the hospital. I wouldn't call them painful just very very powerful. Some of my waves were one right on top of the another. Which I was finding strange. Throughout the car ride when a wave would come with it I would do horse lips and move my legs back-and-forth also focusing in on going deeper into it up hypnosis which would allow me to find muscles in my body that were tense. Every time I looked for tense muscles by butt cheeks would be all tighten up so I told myself relax then I repeated to myself "open soften and release" I just kept telling my body Yes! Yes! Yes! Open, open, and open. We pulled up to Salina hospital Brice parked in the parking garage we walk across over to the hospital into the lobby along the way I had at least three waves. As Brice was checking us in I guess a security guy came up to me during a wave and asked "can I help you ma'am" Haha!!! Classic. I had my headphones in with my tracks playing. No idea someone came up to me. Umm sir, I'm trying to have a baby. I looked up and they were trying to get me a wheelchair. I said no I can't sit right now and another wave hit. I leaned over rocking back and forth, horse lips, open open, soften, release. After the wave I said ok, sat in the wheelchair, and the nurse quickly got me up to the 6th floor. The birthing floor. I walked into the room and a nurse asked me to lay down on the bed so she could monitor the baby and the pressure waves I said no I cannot lay down right now and another wave hit I leaned over the bed rocking back-and-forth back-and-forth, horse lips, open open, soften, release. With the wave over I went to the bathroom to have a poop(I thought) once again a powerful wave hit. I just let my head hang and rocked my body back and forth. Horse lips, open , open, yes, yes, soften, release! This was a pushing wave! The nurses were a bit nervous when I told them this. They wanted me off the toilet lol. I came back into the birthing room and had them raise up the bed so I could kneel on it backwards on all fours. As they we're raising it for me another pressure wave hit and I felt baby drop into the birth canal! This is it!! YES! The nurses were busy trying to get a IV in me since I tested posted for StepB. But all I could think is it's too late for this IV! Baby is here! Just then another pressure wave and a ring of fire! A beautiful ring of fire!! You won't know until you feel it yourself but it's a very exciting feeling. Indescribable, beautiful, sublime. I turned over since that felt more relaxing to push baby out. The urge to push had taken over me and it felt good. Seriously pushing is the best feeling in the world!! I remember telling myself to slooooowwww down. I wanted to give my body time to stretch ...but my body wouldn't stop! I would say after 3 waves baby was out. Perineum intact, no tears, no stitches! My only thing I would have change is I would have loved to catch lil Lollie! But in the moment I was very focused and just in the zone. Everything happened so quickly that I didn't even know she was here. Miss Lollie Mae arrived joyfully and peacefully at 5:40am less then 40mins of setting foot into the hospital. She beat our photographer and she beat our doctor in arriving! Oh and I still had my dress on that I arrived in. :P Below are some beautiful moments following Lollie's birth captured by T.Marie Photography Little baby Bugsy that's what they call her right now and yes this is her family and her fur siblings which are adorable!!! ...And pose way better then my daughter lol. So Wade hasn't always been a fan of little dogs but Shelby's lil doggies grew on him. Now they are pretty much besties for life! Watch out doggie dogs baby might be taking over your business in the next few months!
Not only is this girl drop dead gorgeous, Shelby has such a kind sweet spirit too!! I thought this was the first time we actually met...but my husband tells me we did meet back in the days of The Rock. ...Hmmm... Wade, well Wade. I can't really tell you about the time I met Mr. Wade's been too long ago. But we have lots of fun, stupid, hilarious memories amongst all our best friends. From cooking 8 pizzas in every single piece of machinery in my Manhattan apartment to being my body guard kicking all the men out of the men's room so I could use it solo. I always love it when my friends from the past get a hold of me to do such beautiful moments in their life's with their new families! Actually Wade and Shelby got a hold of me the exact same day to capture the birth of their baby come September. Umm YES please!!! Also love that I was able to come into Shelby and Wade's home! It's always way more special when families welcome me into their spaces. Wade has put a lot of hours into this place. It had been abandoned, took in over by pack rats, and left for dead but he put lots of hard work into it and made it their beautiful home. So this home, these photos.. have a special place in their hearts! |
About Me.Kansas Photographer, and teacher inspired by birth, imperfections, giggles, thrift shop treasures, & acts of randomness Archives
January 2024