This is Stephanie, and this is her birth story..."We’re parents...I’m a mom...a MOM! On March 1st, 2018 we were FINALLY blessed with a little one that we could hold in our arms, hear cry, see his perfect face and experience the fear that we have no idea what we are doing and hope we don’t mess him up too much!
I’ve been overwhelmed with emotions since the Monday before our induction! The moment the nurse asked me if we were ready for our baby that Thursday the panic set in! I had done everything I could to be ready at home and work for babies arrival but I didn’t really give much thought to mentally preparing myself for our little one! So Monday started the race to be sure we were 100% prepared! Little did I know...that’s not really possible, but we tried! Wednesday night our nerves were both kicking in. The last minute to-dos, trying to get to bed early for one last good nights sleep...for my husband anyways cause let’s be honest I hadn’t slept in months, and the nerves of what tomorrow would bring. All the questions of, “are we ready?”, “will my baby be healthy?”, “how much will it hurt?”, “can I really do this?” were running through my mind. Thursday arrived and it was mostly silence on the way to Salina. Our dreams were finally coming true and after all our struggles over the past 7 years we we’re finally there! We got checked in and settled into the delivery room and before I knew it they were starting the pitocin. An hour in I couldn’t feel all the contractions showing on the screen but soon came Hodges to break my water and it didn’t take long for the pressure to build up! 2 hours later I was crying in pain not sure what to do for comfort! All the back pain I experienced during pregnancy was nothing compared to the back labor I had! I tried bouncing on the medicine ball, until one moment I stood up and water came gushing out. All I could think about was, man it really is like they show in the movies! Soon the pain was so bad I couldn’t sit, stand or do anything. I was 100% reliant on my husband for his support! I was last checked at a 3-4 and I knew I was not going to make it all the way. With tears in my eyes I finally asked for the epidural. As soon as I was able to relax and sit back my legs started tingling and the excruciating pain was subsiding. I was checked shortly after and was at a 5-6 and 10 minutes later Dr. Hodges came and checked me and I was at a 8-9! I was progressing fast and Hodges said we’d have a baby in an hour. All of a sudden my emotions took over and I looked at my husband full of tears and said “we’re having a baby!” It’s like my entire pregnancy I knew we were having a baby, but I was always waiting for the worst case to happen. This time though was different and finally I could believe that I was going to be holding the child we had dreamed of for so long in just an hour! An hour went by and there was still no baby, but at two hours I had hit a 10 and they were preparing me to push! The next 30 minutes was filled with lots of laughs, disco balls and weird music (an app) and a smoke machine (diffuser) that our Dr had always dreamed of someone bringing in. With the power of anesthesia and not feeling a thing why not throw a party?! 30 minutes in though things got serious as Hodges and the nurses got up and suited up. They informed us that the babies heartbeat hadn’t been raising back up after each contraction. He was getting stuck on my protruding tailbone so they needed to get him pulled down some. As they got the clamps in place the next contraction they started to pull him down. According to Derrick this is when they told me to pause for a second and I missed that and kept pushing and ended up pushing our baby the rest of the way out. At 2:23pm our son Lincoln Alexander Downie was born! 6lbs 10 oz, 20” long, a head full of hair and absolutely perfect! At that moment I cried for my 4 angel babies that we had lost along the way. At that moment, my entire world had changed. At that moment I had finally given my husband the title of Dad and at that moment I had finally became a mother."
Jordan Gilleece
3/16/2018 09:26:56 am
My heart is so full of love and happiness for you and Derrick! You have waited a long time to be parents and have weathered storm after storm together, and you have come out stronger for it.
3/16/2018 11:28:03 am
Thank you for sharing this beautiful time in your lives. Lincoln is so perfect and you all look so wonderful as a family! May God continue to bless this time and your future as a family of love, faith, hope and joy. Sending lots of love, hugs and prayers. ♡
Maddy Atkins
3/16/2018 03:54:26 pm
Happy tears!! So excited for you guys to finally experience parenthood! You're gonna knock it out of the park! Congrats!
Uncle Mike and Aunt Cathy
3/16/2018 08:14:45 pm
We are happy beyond words for you and Derrick. Little Lincoln is so adorable, and even more beautiful is the absolute love seen in both your eyes. Love you!
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About Me.Kansas Photographer, and teacher inspired by birth, imperfections, giggles, thrift shop treasures, & acts of randomness Archives
January 2024