I absolutely adore these girls! There are just some people you meet in life that you fall in love with. And no I am not talking about in that weird way, ha. I felt right at home hanging out with these girls. They played, giggled, and made me laugh on the insides. Did I mention, Peaches? Peaches is their lab...and she is also the cutest!! I just want to squeeeeeezeeee her!
So incredibly excited for this new mom and dad!! They are such a wonderful, loving, easy going, and just absolutely incredible blast to be around! I smile on the inside every time I get the chance to see them. They deserve all the happiness in the world and now they get to share it with their little boy Noah! How exciting!! Congratulations again, to the 3 of you!!
xoxo Destiny I fell in love with Christina Perri's Jar of Hearts! So with the lovely Amber as my model we set out collecting her own hearts. I am still in love with this series I took a couple of years back....and it really gets me thinking....I need really really really need to start a new series I can fall in love with all over again!
"By the way we aren't lesbians or anything, just friends." Cracks me up! I once heard that you aren't truly best friends with somebody until others question your sexuality.
Alicia and Rhiannon are best friends that have been besties since I have known them, ha! But seriously they have been besties for quite some time. Rhiannon lived in a far away land for a couple of years but soon, if not already, she will be reuniting with her hometown, friends, and fun times aka Downs KS! These two girls giggled their way through their session. I just loved sharing laughs with friends and it really got me missing my buddies from high school! *sigh* These girls don't even know how fast time is going to fly their upcoming senior year. It happened! The freshmen, the group that started out as freshmen when I started teaching at Pike Valley High, graduated. Can't believe it. Time really does fly! *tears*
So like a idiot, I deleted my ENTIRE blog page! ekkkkkk!!!!! So looks like all you followers out there are in for lots of photo posts to catch up with all my deleted actions. Are you REady!? 1st blog to be re-posted Me and my baby girl! Photos taken by my Mom, edited by yours truly.
Had a chance to sneak in on The Revenues rehearsal at The Brown Grand. Something is just so magical about The Brown Grand at night when only a few lights shine onto the stage. While music filled the air I drifted into and out of this magical place called The Brown Grand...hoping to run into the ghost of Earl, of course I never did!
Finally I was able to meet up with The Revenues and capture these in the moment images. |
About Me.Kansas Photographer, and teacher inspired by birth, imperfections, giggles, thrift shop treasures, & acts of randomness Archives
January 2024