EAT YOUR PLACENTA, BUT WHY????? click link to view WHY!
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Mama Naturals experience from eating her placenta, click here
-Placenta Capsules
List of possible benefits include:
-less postpartum depression
-increase milk supply
-replenish iron levels
-stabilize hormones & mood
-boost of energy
-natural pain relief
-slow down postpartum bleeding
Other women have also noticed help with postpartum hair loss, anxiety, and more! 😊
-Placenta Tincture
*The tincture has almost indefinite shelf life if stored correctly!!! WOW! * a great remedy for horomone stability, energy, menopause, menstrual symptoms and more *The biological mother and daughter can also benefit from a tincture!! Ok, say what?! *The mother of the placenta can use the tincture to alleviate menopausal symptoms *Mother's daughter can get relief from menstrual symptoms! A-mazing!!! *The mother may also give the tincture to a baby that is at least 6 months old for teething and to boost immunity!!!! |
-Placenta Salve
*Placenta salve can be used to heal C-Section incisions after the wound is closed!!! It can lessenscarring, itching and discomfort!!
*It can be used 3 days postpartum for hemorrhoids and perinealtearing
*Salves are great for burns, diaper rash, eczema, sunburn, and minor skin irritations.
*The salve is safe for babies as long as there are no known skin allergies.
-Floral Placenta Photography Want a beautiful unique way to document your placenta?? What better way then in a floral photograph!? Combining the life of the flowers with the life the placenta provided your little baby in womb! I could really see these printed and displayed in the home to celebrate this amazing journey of new life!!! -Umbilical Cord Keepsake |
Base Fee: $200
*placenta capsules
*artistic print of your placenta
*cord keepsake
*informational guide
*capsule delivery or shipping to your home address
Add on options:
$50 travel to Salina for same day pick up
$25 Tincture
$25 Salve
$25 Dozen Placenta Chocolates
$25 Photographic Floral Documentation of your Placenta - digital download and print release
*placenta capsules
*artistic print of your placenta
*cord keepsake
*informational guide
*capsule delivery or shipping to your home address
Add on options:
$50 travel to Salina for same day pick up
$25 Tincture
$25 Salve
$25 Dozen Placenta Chocolates
$25 Photographic Floral Documentation of your Placenta - digital download and print release