Birth Services
Childbirth Education
Placenta Encapsulation
Birth Doula
Photography Services
REAL/RAW Motherhood
Lifestyle Family
Maternity, Fresh 48, Lifestyle Newborn
Birth Photography
Boudoir for Mom
Personal Branding
About Me
We will discuss these answers together to form the stories youd like to capture for your brand
Indicates required field
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Zip Code
Phone Number
years in business
brand colors
how are you different? What makes you unique? Not your business, but you. Something corky, random, sets you apart
3 words to describe your business
what location would you like featured
do you have props you would like included? or product maybe
Tell me more about your business....type of business, how you came to doing this, when your business started, what lead you to this point.
What do you love most about your work?
what values do you associate with your approach to the work you do and your business
Tell me more about your ideal client..what are they like?
how do you work with your clients? what is your process you take with them through
What are your favorite types of work to do with your clients? What would you like to be doing more of?
how and where do you usually work with clients? online, in-person, group...
What kind of venues or locations do you enjoy working from when your with your clients? clients home, office, coffee shop,...
What are the main benefits your clients get from working with you? What are the main themes or phrases you hear over and over again in testimonials
What new products/services will you be offering in the next 3-6months? Where will you be wanting to use photography in your marketing?
How are you marketing your business right now? and what are your plans moving forward?
What do you love to do for yourself outside your business? what activities do you enjoy? Where do you like to go?
How do you want your ideal client to feel when they come to your webpage?
What do you want your new photos to do for you? Why is now the time to invest in fresh photos
Whats important to you about the look and feel of your images...feel free to share any current ideas thoughts you have around vibe of photos. specific shots you want or have in mind...
Where do you see yourself using these photos
any other relevant thoughts about your business or photo shoot
Birth Services
Childbirth Education
Placenta Encapsulation
Birth Doula
Photography Services
REAL/RAW Motherhood
Lifestyle Family
Maternity, Fresh 48, Lifestyle Newborn
Birth Photography
Boudoir for Mom
Personal Branding
About Me